Sludinājumu skaits kategorijā: 2
Parādītie sludinājumi: 1-2

Housewife - service on Call.
Low Cost Household Services:
- Cooking great homemade cuisine (including vegetarian dishes) + serving
(possibly preparing the banquet, a romantic dinner, etc.)
- House Cleaning
- Washing, ironing, basic clothes repairs
- Shopping
- Supervision and care of PET
- Caring for house plants, garden
- Interior design, combining clothes and so on.
All services of housewives in one person, which is very convenient, reliable and economical.
Guarantee: diplomacy, punctuality, reliability and high standards of work.

Prices and services are discussed verbally and in writing. I do speak Russian and English. Sincerely yours!
Горничная | Просмотров: 1204 | Дата: 06.11.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Знакомства на ! Удобный и интересный сайт знакомств, полный романтики и эротики. Здесь вы найдёте всё, что вам нужно. 
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Безопасность | Просмотров: 52200 | Дата: 20.02.2009 | Комментарии (3)